forklift electrical systems

What do you need to do for your forklifts during the summer months?

In England, most of us cannot wait for when the summer months are upon us, and the weather is finally getting warmer. However, for those of us using forklifts in this extreme heat, it can become tough. Since warm weather can begin to take a toll on your heavy equipment, it’s important that you know what you need to do to make sure your forklift stays in good shape and the things to look out for if it is not. Whether that’s an overheating engine, your tires feeling a little too bouncy, or a run-down battery, here are a few cautionary checks and tips for your forklifts this summer.

Regularly check the battery

Whilst this seems pretty obvious, not many people know that the summer weather can affect your forklift battery and can actually reduce its life span. This is because as temperatures change and the sun starts beaming down on your forklift, it can actually cause the battery fluids to evaporate leading to corrosion.

For this reason, especially in the summer months, you must make sure to regularly check your battery’s fluid levels and top them up with water if need be.

Cool your engine down

On a hot summer day, it’s a good idea to monitor your engine’s running temperature to look out for overheating. If you find it is too hot, turn it off immediately and let it cool down before using it again.

Better yet, find a bit of shade to help speed up the cooling process and ensure minimal damage to your forklift. Just as the heat affects us when we are in it too long, it also affects your forklift, so they need the same care and attention in the heat as we do.

Check for damage to the fan

When trying to make sure your engine does not overheat, checking the fan is the first thing to do. Since all engines rely on a fan to keep them cool on a regular day, during the summer months the fan will often be working overtime to ensure your forklift is not getting too hot.

Check the fan every day for cracks and if you notice anything make sure to get it fixed as soon as possible to avoid damage caused by overheating.

Check your fluid levels

When using a forklift in extreme heat, it’s very important to ensure that your coolant levels are not running low. If coolant levels do run below the minimum this will need to be fixed right away as it can then lead to damage to the engine, causing a vicious circle.

To be safe, regularly check all fluid levels including the oil, and ensure that hoses are fully intact to make sure that your coolant is not leaking.

Look after your operators

Whilst there are many things to look out for to ensure your forklift is running smoothly during summer, it is the operators who are responsible for this, so keeping them safe in the scorching heat will also benefit the process.

Taking precautionary measures towards your operators will protect both them and your forklift and prevent the slowing down of productivity.

To beat the heat, make sure that your operators avoid heat exhaustion by ensuring they are well-rested before taking on the job. It is also extremely important that when your forklift is taking a break from the sun, so are the operators, by taking a well-deserved time out in the shade.

Just as a forklift needs to have its coolant fluid levels checked, operators also need to make sure they are fully hydrated to allow them to have enough energy to carry out the job and keep them safe in the warm weather.